Project Description
London oozes creativity in each heartbeat.
From the most glamorous place to the dullest, absolutely anywhere! can be blessed by the work of an artist. A dirty old building wall, a manic tube station, an unthinkable spot defying all laws, … these are some of a thousand examples of unconditional love for art and unstoppable desire of self-expression you can easily find along its streets.
Those creative works will surely receive by the end of the year a few, hundreds or maybe thousands of appreciations by random people that probably won’t get to the artist.
Their work will make your day, will change your mood, ultimately will make you feel … alive.
So, let’s thank these sometimes-unknown heroes, who are brave enough to create and leave a piece of themselves into what they do despite the continuous attacks from self-doubt and fear monsters.
This world needs more people like you.
Thank you, guys!
Donec faucibus consequat ante. Mauris eget mi sed ex efficitur porta id non quam. Cras aliquam turpis tellus.
Soft Cotton
Donec faucibus consequat ante. Mauris eget mi sed ex efficitur porta id non quam. Cras aliquam turpis tellus.

Donec faucibus consequat ante. Mauris eget mi sed ex efficitur porta id non quam. Cras aliquam turpis tellus.
Donec faucibus consequat ante. Mauris eget mi sed ex efficitur porta id non quam. Cras aliquam turpis tellus.